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Linux basics task 1


First commands:

ls(list) Show the files that are in the folder where you are.

mkdir(make directory) Create a folder within the file that we are.

cd(change directory) It can make you move between directories, so you can move around the entire linux file system. To move, you just have to put the directory where you want to go to enter, to exit, we will have to put „..“ after cd.


 cd "directory"
 cd ".."

ls -a Existen ficheros ocultos para que no todo el mundo este al alcance de ellos, pero nosotros no somos todo el mundo, asi que con este comando, muestra TODOS los archivos que esten dentro del directorio que queramos ver.

pwd (print working directory) It allows you to see the entire address of the directory that you are.


  • navigation skills on commandline
  • directory and file management
  • using text editor nano
  • using text editor vim (very basic level)


First task: Create on the desktop a folder called „Potato_1“ inside it we will create another folder called „Potato_2“ and inside it, „Potato_3“

materjalid/linux_basics.1556091172.txt.gz · Viimati muutnud: 2019/04/24 10:32 persoon luciano